Male Karpaty geopark

Home / Male Karpaty geopark

The concept of the geopark is based on the creation of individual geomontane areas, which, although they will act autonomously, will form a single unit – a geopark. A factor that will significantly help the implementation of the project “Geopark Malé Karpaty” is the existence of a large number of interest groups, organizations and civic associations that are actively involved in the implementation of activities in the field of tourism and promotion of geosciences in the area of interest. Our effort is to unite these entities into cooperation with the aim of realization of a joint project.

Geomontane areas of the Geopark Malé Karpaty:

1.Sandber–Pajštún geomontane area
2.Geomontane area Bratislava
3.Geomontane area Pezinok
4.Geomontane area Modra
5.Geomontane area Trstín
6.Geomontane area Pernek

Geopark area: main area 1 199 km2, perspective extension by 463 km2
Geoparku protection: CHKO Malé Karpaty (PLA Little Carpathians)
Geomontane areas: 6
Presented topics: geology, montanistics, tourism
Geological characteristics: neovolcanics


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Contacts adress

Geopark Malé Karpaty
Kukučínova 617/5, 902 01 Pezinok
tel.: +421 905 739 452
facebook: geopark Malé Karpaty